Why I Voted for Biden Even Though I Had Decided Not to Vote (because i had voted in 2016 and my candidate who i disliked lost so felt it was a waste of my very precious little time left)

Ishi Crew
1 min readJan 29, 2021

I voted for Biden because i had decided to only vote for a local candidate — -young african american guy, a grad student in neuroscience, who i felt would be a good role model — -show young people there are other things to do besides get into the ‘street life’.

But I got to the polling place and after a complex situation since I had lost part of my ballot which I had planned to deliver by hand — the envelope — -so they told me it was invalid and they told me just vote here which i did.

I voted for my candidate and then another one i was told to vote for as a good will gesture, and then Biden . I have doughts about all of these. My area is like 90% Biden so it doesnt matter except ‘herd immunity’.

But in retrospect the reason I voted was to try to make Trump and his pals unhappy. Next time if there is a better choice than Biden/Harris I’ll vote to make them unhappy.

