Ishi Crew
1 min readJun 28, 2020


Why I Am or Am Not a Socialist or Socialite or Social E-lite:

A Recorded Webinar :

Features Albert Einstein , Paul Robeson , J M Keynes, W E B. Dubois , Emma Goldman, Jean Genet, Gertrude Stein, Edit Piaf, Jean Cocteau, Eric Dolphy, CLR James, the Jacobins, Trotskyites, Hilary Clinton, Ronald McDonald Raygun, Herbie Hancock, John Lenin, Alfred Lord Stalin-Hitchcock, Benrie Sanders, KFC , AOC, Bakunin, and Bro’s and Brews.

Communists have a red flag and hammer and sickle. USA has the stars and stripes. Confederates have a cross or an X (like malcolm X kendi perhaps or the UK). Nazis have the swastika. Pan Africans have the red black and green. LGTBQ+ have a rainbow.

Einstein declared he supported socialism. Jacobins love the socialism — and are anti-capitalist and anti-anarchist. i wodner what flag the socialistas fly?
( Facists sometimes wear brown or kaki. )

Buzz buzz, i’m a human fly and i wonder why. Cramps have that.

Ramps live in WV and a few along the Potomac.

Bakuninistas have their own social club.

Gollum had the border of Mordor , Mexican musicians the corriodors.

