The Anti-Racism, Inc. Companion Guide and Gumbo:

Ishi Crew
5 min readAug 7, 2020

Category Theory, Effective Altruism, Ethical Culture, Money , BLM, BAR and and Esther Rivera.

This article is part of the series called the COVID Diaries. Got Milk? Got Covid? Maybe Yes, and maybe No, and maybe ‘yes means no and no means yes’ . You’d have to bring out your Bayesian toolkit to tell if you are being wildly optimistic (or pessimistic) or just have a false positive (or negative).

— — — — — — — — — — — — — Prolegamania:

The Park:

Recently I was out in the park in the hot sun; it was 90 degrees and I could no longer concentrate on my math problem, or watch the two little african american boys ride around in a circle as I used to do— - they crashed two times in the same place — - and decided to go home. Also my cold tea was gone — -drank 1/2 a gallon.

(First I had to decide whether to walk up the street to get some cigarettes — -only an extra mile — -but I decided not to, even though I should have by my social and spiritual values — — people need jobs, and a pack of cigarettes will cost about 10% of my retirement savings — -all based on dirty money so its best to get rid of it and give it to the productive working class by supporting their business and discipline.

But i’m too lazy , and I sort of noticed breathing air instead of sucking on a cigarette was an ok change. Maybe there is something in the air I like. (I know there used to be when I hated cigarettes.

Or maybe the air is back to normal after a respite or vacation, during which cigarettes hit the charts as most popular inhalant, with cocaine and glue coming in 2nd and first place.

Perhaps the ‘lockdown’ changed the atmosphere.

If I figure out what in the air is appealing to some at times — — I have a chemistry degree, and have studied ‘compositionality’ in chemical reaction systems via statistical mechanics and category theory, — -wso if I find iout what it is II may may bottle it up to sell, and compete with the cigarette companies for market share. I’ll get paid like radio host Terry Gross who i sometimes call endearingly ‘Rreally Gross’ instead)

— — — — — — — — — — — — Home on the Rnage (boiling tea !!!!)

So I came back to get some more tea and as expected it was even hotter inside. I haven’t put in my air conditioner because its too heavy and I dont want to pay for it either. I got ice in here.)

— — — — — — — — — — — — Taking Notes

Ok, so what did we figure out? When dealing with inheritance, genetics, intelligence, and free will, one can prove using the language of category theory that all the problems in the title of this article, and the ones in the previous sentence, can be reduced to bipartite graphs of the form

GE, EG, EE, asnd GG

where E and G are monoidal categories .

We can call GE ‘genes and environment’, GG ‘gogo’ (music), EE effective altyruism, and EG ‘for example’.

This effectively shows that E=G.

Effective altruists differ from people like me because they believe in altruism (stealing from the poor so you can get rich and then become and altruists and give to the poor — -especially in the form of money used to pay someone to do something that helps people that you dont want to do — -eg run an NGO, go to a protest, write a letter. .

We also have E->G = [E,G] /=[G,E] (noncommutative, or Heisenbergian ).

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Its possible also to find categories in which a(b+c) =ab +c = ac+b=bc+a.

These may be personal relationships, or labeled categories (so they have ‘spin’ >2 — -i.e. more than 2 states.)

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Category theory (CT) is a ‘species of thought’ or dialact, which to me looks like what calculus was to Newton’s fluxions — -a new word and symbol for the same thing. Sometimes these prove to be quite useful apparently — — Newton didn’t have a computer. I do. (Tried to pawn obne the other day — -could have got 100$ except i had no id sio they refused.)

CT could just be a scam, fan or a mutation, or it could be the next and future dinosaur after it matures and goes through its lifecycle. By that time it may have moved to outer space or may live on a dead earth as a rock, or maybe just a photon gas in the clowd.

Note that CT could also be catastrophe theory (a previous fad or theory) or CT-scan.

— — — — — — — -

While we’re at it, we’ll use CT to predict the future of capitalism, money, and whether BLM as goaded on by BAR (black agenda report ) will succeed at the revolution and take over the BLM (bureau of land management).

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Esther Rivera may know (radio talk host) — -giving back by making herself unpleasant, just as as she used to be — -an example of a conservation law or ’invariant’ or symmetry. Pain is a conserved quantity — — if you get 2 degrees from the UC system, and work for mainstream meduia for decades, write books and make films, then maybe you owe something.

I guess the faculty at U S. Maine in the dept of criminal sociology, or U Minnesota, or Itjhaca college are followiuing this play book. They give back. ‘Black is back’.

Then we have the Grayzone, Progressive Resistance (MQ), Popular Resistance (Zeese), and Codepink also giving back and selling their flavors of books, music abnd other entertainment.

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BLM (Black Lives Matter) is pushing hard locally and across the USA to ‘defund the police’.

There are different views on this — -maybe 4 obvious ones support this view.

The ‘street people’ who are harassed by the poli9ce for either illegitimate (‘white supremacist’ ) or legitimate ( ‘doing their job fighting violence, possibly drug selling and robbery, depending on your views of capitalism) reasons . They hate the police.

‘Revolutionaries — — they want a revolution and the police are in the way.

Middle class people — -mostly white and but some black. This is because they have friends who are revolutionaries, so say what they are told. And because they are brainwashed, and scared. Some professor told them how social change happens (‘protest’). And they fear a violent revolution — -and think if they let someone out of jail and buy them a rec center to play in, everyone will be happy and they’ll be pacified (see book ‘chicago pacified ‘ by the maine professor. )

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i’m m a street dawg , i’m a street dawg , just like u ‘

— — — — — — — — — -Gucci Mane

